The application offers very simple, but bery effective exercises for training your meta-attention. Meta-attention is the key element of intellect and so it is highly important for any person and for any activity.The application trains meta-attention with so-called double-meaning images. These images can be interpreted in two ways.For example, in 'Cube' image the blue face can be seen as front face or back one. Or, 'Cylinder' image can be perceived as wire coil cylinder angled towards the left or towards the right. There are 12 different images in the application now. That's well enough.For training your meta-attention look at image and try to keep in your mind one interpretation of the image avoiding other one. Some of tips you wil find in "Help" of the application.You will feel in course of time that your attention becomes more manageable and your mind is more calm and clear.When you reach high levels of skill you will surely experience that the effect of the exercises is colossal. Studying, work, creation, games, sport, meditation - everywhere you will detect huge progress.Good luck!